I was reading over a devotion I wrote, Life Lesson from a Caterpillar and I started to doubt the message that I had written about transformation.  Yes, the caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, but does it really apply to my life? My hopes? My dreams? What about those who die before their transformation, never becoming a butterfly, does it mean that they didn’t fulfill their destiny? These questions haunted me. As I do when I struggle with something, I talk to God about it. Even when I don’t get a concrete answer to my inquiries, I feel comforted to know that I can talk to God about my concerns.

I thought about how some lives appear to be cut short and people appear to have died too soon. However, I was reminded of the following scripture:

How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog — it’s here a little while, then it’s gone. James 4:14 (NLT).

The scripture reminds us that tomorrow will always be a mystery.  Hence, we should concentrate on the moment that we are in. Be mindful that you should make a difference and strive to do all that you can in the moment that you are in. The moment that you are in is all you have control of and are responsible for. So back to the caterpillar… if a caterpillar dies before it transforms its life still had purpose. Not all make it to the butterfly stage, but they make a difference in the world as caterpillars.

Humans are always doing and dreaming. As long as there is life you will and should be aspiring to something beyond what you’ve already achieved. It Is the rarest of human that dies having completed everything they set out to do whether they died young or full of years. A life cut short doesn’t mean it wasn’t destined for greatness or that “greatness” wasn’t achieved any more than a long-lived life means it was. God simply requires us to do the best with the time that we have knowing we were not promised tomorrow.

Remember, only God ultimately knows what you may become. Proverbs 19:21 states: You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail. (NLT) Make your plans but allow God to order your steps that His purpose will prevail in your life. Trust Him to bring about the transformation you long to see in your life.