Surviving October
I’m glad October is over.

For some reason October felt extra-long. It felt like I lived through each day multiple times. I often found myself wondering, is October ever going to end and am I going to survive it?
A little backstory, I lost both of my parents in October 12 years apart. Also, my mother’s birthday is in October. Most years I acknowledge the days and move on. However, this year, maybe because I was immersed in memories of my mom because I was writing a book about her, October felt different. I was over emotional and hypersensitive about everything. Tears flowed as if it was the first year. Every time I felt overwhelmed, I would think, if only Mommy was here as if her presence would solve everything.

Thankfully, with lots of prayers and tears, I made it through October. I spent the first day of November expressing gratitude. I pulled out a new copy of my journal A Girl of Gratitude determined to make November a month of showing gratitude and thankfulness. The very first entry was thanking God that I survived October.
It’s not too late to join in. You can purchase my journal A Girl of Gratitude on Amazon.

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).