It’s A Wonderful Life
During the Christmas season you’d often find me curled up in the front of the television with my mug of hot chocolate getting lost in the make-believe world of my favorite Christmas classics. For me nothing signals the beginning of the season as much as seeing the advertisement for those old classics on television. One of my absolute favorites is It’s a Wonderful Life.
For some reason over the years George Bailey has been the character that I most empathize with. Maybe it’s because he was such a dreamer…

… I’m gonna see the world. Italy, Greece, the Parthenon, the Colosseum. Then, I’m comin’ back here to go to college and see what they know. And then I’m gonna build things. I’m gonna build airfields, I’m gonna build skyscrapers a hundred stories high, I’m gonna build bridges a mile long. George Bailey...
Somehow circumstances kept getting in the way of George accomplishing his dreams. However, he always managed to do what he felt was the right thing even though it meant putting his dreams on hold. One thing I love about George is he never lost his enthusiasm. Despite his dreams being deferred repeatedly each time he thinks he’s going to get to do what he wants to do he is just as excited as before.
George never sat down and mourned the loss of his dreams he simply went on building a life for himself even though it wasn’t the life he’d originally dreamed of. Well except for that one Christmas Eve night when George’s life seems to implode. After throwing a killer tantrum, hurting his family’s feelings and getting drunk the despondent George, sitting on a bar stool, prayed this prayer…
Dear Father, I’m not a praying man, but if you’re up there and you can hear me, show me the way. I’m at the end of my rope. Show me the way, oh God.”
While George was busy deferring his dreams to help everyone else, he was also touching lives in ways he couldn’t even imagine. On the night when he felt he’d reach the end of his rope the voices of the lives he touches began to cry out to God on his behalf…
Help my son, George, tonight.

He never thinks about himself, God,
that’s why he’s in trouble.
George is a good guy.
Give him a break, God…
I love him, dear Lord.
Watch over him tonight…
Please, God,
something’s the matter with Daddy…
Enters Clarence, the wingless angel whose job it is to show George that his life really does matter, that he made a difference, he touched lives
Clarence – Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other lives. When he isn’t around he leaves an awful hole, doesn’t he?
Slowly George begins to realize what a wonderful life he has. He realizes that although he’s not living the life he dreamed of he loves the life he’s living. He’s made a difference, he’s touched lives. He is not a failure. At the time he needed them most the people who George give up his dreams for came to his rescue…

Clarence… Remember, George: no man is a failure who has friends
I think what I love most about George is his attitude. Except for that one-night George never got bitter. He never lost his enthusiasm, he never lost himself…
My students recently asked me what my favorite Christmas movie was. Without hesitation I said it’s a Wonderful Life. So of course, when I came home, I had to find it and watch it with my husband. I still love it. It still speaks to my heart. I still cry for and cheer for George Bailey. However, when I reach the end it’s not only George Bailey I celebrate. I inevitably think to myself as the tears fall… because of you Lord, it certainly is a wonderful life.
I write this post over 10 years ago and I decided to repost it after my students asked me about my favorite Christmas movie.